For the first time, Connetick participated in 2019 Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition). They exhibited Connetick’s products such as Smart Stand Charging Cables, Fast Induction Wireless Car Charger2, Mini Fan, Portable Humidifier and so on at their booth. During the fair, many buyers visited Connetick’s booth. The most popular products were Smart Stand Charging Cables and Fast Induction Wireless Car Charger2. Most buyers loved the distinct products, its design such as bright colors and premium-like. Through this participation, Connetick found the importance of Product Design and Product’s distinct strength.
In addition, Connetick had a great opportunity to introduce for 10mins what Connetick is and what they provide. This presentation might not make a big synergy, but it meant a lot to Connetick and is a good start for branding it oversea.
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